Extremely Difficult Asteroids Clone

This is a game I developed for the Experimental Gameplay Project in January '10, on the theme "100 things". You can probably guess by now what those 100 things are.

You play the role of a spaceship defending the earth from asteroids but apparently you only just packed enough weapons for the task. Given that you only have 10 minutes you probably hit the snooze button a few times before waking up and flying to space, too. Personally, I would describe the game as stupidly hard and pretty harsh for any ending.


I died about 10 seconds after grabbing this picture.

Picture of the Rocket-Car-Helicopter-Submarine

Download Instructions

Grab the game here. If it doesn't run, grab these:
Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 SP1 Redistributable Package (x86)
DirectX End-User Runtime Web Installer